So what are these micropayments?
April 22, 2010
We’ve been asked a bit about micropayments and what they mean. Basically, when you create items in XLRNT, such as a new contact or a new lead or maybe a document in the document storage system, then it costs you a few XLRNT credits. Each credit costs you about 0.2p and one contact would cost you about a penny.
If you then change the details of a contact, maybe they have a new mobile, then it costs you nothing at all, not a penny, not a credit, nada.
Also, coupled with the fact we are a pay-as-you-go system, no contracts, this makes XLRNT the most affordable and fair CRM Marketing system on the planet!
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XLRNT gets a public airing at last!
April 20, 2010
We now have a very stable beta platform, known fondly as Two Point Two, and are now opening up signups to the general public. This is a major milestone in the XLRNT story and we hope that people get as much out of it as we have, and as our existing clients have.
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Facebooking and Tweeting
April 6, 2010
We have now created Facebook and Twitter pages. We hope to get these active when the public beta is launched.
If you can, follow the links at the top or in this post to add us to your social world!

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XLRNT has a facelift – documentation staff cry
March 11, 2010
During our closed beta, it became apparent that certain aspects of the user interface needed tidying up and a few forms redesigned to help make XLRNT more intuitive and easier to use.
Sadly, this resulted in much of our documentation from Alpha phases being out dated!
We have had to remove a few pages from the wiki ( and have also taken down the screencasts.
These will be back up around the time of the public beta, but may hold back on the bulk of this as the public beta may very well change things again!
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XLRNT Closed Beta Started
February 2, 2010
We are very please to announce that XLRNT version Two Point Oh has been released with about 20 customers on board. Hopefully this initial beta testing period will help iron out any bugs in the system and should get some new features in place based on customer feedback.
We are still on course for a Q2 release of a public beta/initial release.
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